Category Archives: Computer Graphics

The Pacific Graphics Conference this year invited me to present the work and results of my thesis in a conference poster. I submitted a publication to the conference before, but it was not accepted.
Download Pacific Graphics Poster
At this point, special thanks to Paul van Walree for contributing his beautiful images to my presentation. Spend some time on the exciting topic of photographic optics on his website!


Last Monday I held my final thesis talk, in which I presented my results. You can have a look at the slides for a first impression of the contents here:
Diploma Thesis Talk Download
Please do not try to print them. For the sake of reducing the size of originally about 40MB, I set the pdf image compressor to "agressive-jpg-artifact-soup".




During the last two years I got seriously involved in Global Illumination Rendering using Monte Carlo Light Transport Simulation Methods ala Veach. Last month I completed my diploma/master thesis with the topic "Simulation of Real Photographic Phenomena in Computer Graphics". Because the assessment is not yet finished, I will wait with publishing the whole work. Soon, you are able to have a look at it right here!
The image is a pretty foretaste. The scene was published for free usage at (linkL: text: 3D popup: yes) in the context of a continuous Lighting Challenge. It is not my main intention to produce outstanding visuals with high quality materials, it is all plain Phong plastic material in here. Among other things I'm working on the possibilities of lens simulation. This image was rendered through the correct description of a Muller fisheye lens with 144 degrees field of view.
